Rehab Center vs. Nursing Home

Not Your Grandma’s Nursing Home: Why Going Home Is A Big Deal

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As you may have guessed, a significant difference between a rehabilitation facility and nursing home is the former is a facility designed to send the vast majority of patients back home after a period of time of live-in therapies.  Well, that’s the simple answer.  Read on for a more in-depth analysis of the difference beyond length of stay. We’re On Your Schedule We’ve all heard horror stories of nursing homes waking patients at all hours of the night to administer medication, bathe, or feed them.  While this certainly isn’t ideal, and most good nursing facilities prefer not work this way, the reality is they have limited staff availability over the long haul, so alternative scheduling methods must be employed to ensure all patients receive whatRead More +

Stroke Recovery: How long does it take?

How Long Does Stroke Recovery Take?

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A common question people ask when a loved one survives a stroke is, “how long until they recover?”  This can be difficult to answer, since so many variables come into play, such as what brain functions were affected, what is the age of the patient, and what health were they in when the stroke event occurred?  Even with all of these questions answered there is no simple answer, however through extensive research, scientists have a better understanding of the typical recovery process and timeline. So…How Long? While full recovery may or may not be in the cards, typically one can expect to see the most aggressive improvement in the first 3 to 4 months of meaningful stroke rehabilitation.  This may involve a variety of therapiesRead More +

Guided Imagery Therapy in Wauconda, IL

What is Guided Imagery?

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When you think of guided imagery you may be thinking of those new, nifty 3D goggles you’ve seen advertised on TV, or possibly sessions with your eyes closed with a coach helping you imagine certain activities or experiences, and you’d be right. Partially.  Guided imagery relies heavily on one’s mental focus and ability to process and accept new stimulants, but it’s not limited to mind games.  A simple way to articulate the scope of guided imagery is to be coached through a series of mental exercises which include sensory elements designed to enhance the vividness of the experience. As part of a rehabilitation plan, guided imagery can help alleviate stress through breaking down mental blocks about exercises, coordination, and anxiety about performance or predicted pain.Read More +

Occupational Therapy Center in Wauconda, IL

Questions To Ask When Choosing An Occupational Therapy Facility

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Usually when patients or loved ones hear require occupational therapy will be required, they don’t fully grasp the definition or goals of such therapy. And often they are still reeling from the traumatic event that created this need—be it accident, illness, or complicated surgery. Many jump straight to a Web search to gain a basic understanding of occupational therapy, however few go so far as to learn how the type of facility and therapist can impact their recovery. Healthy patient recovery is of paramount importance at Wauconda Care, so we’ve outlined a few questions to ask any therapists or facilities you’re considering for your in-patient (or outpatient) occupational therapy. Do you have specialists in my need? Seems reasonable, right? Often in that whirlwind of dramaRead More +

Rehab Center near Barrington, IL

Nursing Home vs Rehabilitation Center: Benefits of Choosing a Rehab Center

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If your loved one is recovering from an illness, surgery, or an injury, you may be looking for a good nursing home where they can recover. However, many patients actually need the care provided at a rehab center instead of a nursing home. What’s the difference between a nursing home and a rehabilitation center? Here’s a closer look at their differences and some helpful information to help you decide which type of facility your loved one will benefit from the most. Nursing Home vs. Rehab Center: Different Goals When comparing a nursing home with a local rehab center, you’ll find that these facilities have different goals. A nursing home usually offers long-term care, and in most cases, patients do not return to their homes, butRead More +

Nursing Home Mental Health

Positive Thinking in Recovery: Tips for Helping Loved Ones Stay Positive During Rehabilitation

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Studies on patients recovering from heart attacks, strokes, and other physical ailments show that positive thinking in recovery is essential to positive outcomes. However, nursing home mental health is often overlooked by medical professionals and the family members of patients as they go through recovery. Family members play a crucial role in helping patients stay positive during rehabilitation, and the following tips can be used by family members to help loved ones keep a positive mindset throughout the recovery process. Tip #1 – Help Identify Negative Thinking To take advantage of all the benefits of positive thinking in recovery, patients need to first identify negative thinking. Examples of negative thinking include: Filtering – Focusing on only the negative aspects of the situation. Catastrophizing – Expecting negativeRead More +

Post Operative Care and Therapy in Barrington, IL

5 Tips For A Healthy Recovery

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After surgery, patients receive a lengthy list of instructions along with a series of scheduled follow-up visits with the surgeon and probably some form of therapy.  While it can be overwhelming initially, this packet of information will prove valuable for safe and speedy recovery.  We’ve taken some of the more common elements you’ll find on a recovery packet and distilled it down to 5 key tips, or areas, to be aware of during recovery. Follow the Doctor’s Advice: Put That Down Patients are often eager to return to normal life after a hospital visit, however jumping back into a normal routine right away can quickly cause pain, inflammation, open up incisions, or even more damage.  Lifting heavy objects (or children) is a common way to re-injureRead More +

Physical Therapy Center near Barrington, IL

5 Tips for Choosing Your Physical Therapy Center

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Finding the right physical rehabilitation center for yourself or a loved one can be challenging.  You may fall into one of two camps: you are determined to recover quickly so you may return to your regular routine quickly, or you are discouraged by the limitations and pain caused by the physical injury or surgery, so any meaningful recovery feels out of grasp, so encouragement throughout the process will be key.  Regardless of your level of motivation, selecting the right physical therapy center will determine not only the speed of recovery, but also the comfort and satisfaction level you experience as a patient. We’ve assembled a few tips we hope you find helpful during the selection process. Live-in 24-hour care can promote quicker recovery For many, out-patient therapyRead More +

Rehabilitation after Surgery

The Importance of Therapy After Surgery

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After spending days, weeks, or more in the hospital, it’s pretty normal to be anxious to get back to your normal routine at home or work.  You vaguely recall the doctor mentioning the process of getting back to the routine, but you were fixated on the routine—not the journey.  The discharge nurse will likely hand you a stack of papers, among which are your prescribed therapies and nearby rehabilitation centers offering the prescribed services, but it may not be until you or your caregiver is sifting through the paperwork do you see this information.  Is it really that important to follow the doctor’s guidelines?  In a word: Yes. 1: Faster Recovery The simplest answer is that properly-guided therapies including physical therapy and occupational therapy, among others,Read More +