Guided Imagery Therapy in Wauconda, IL

What is Guided Imagery?

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When you think of guided imagery you may be thinking of those new, nifty 3D goggles you’ve seen advertised on TV, or possibly sessions with your eyes closed with a coach helping you imagine certain activities or experiences, and you’d be right. Partially.  Guided imagery relies heavily on one’s mental focus and ability to process and accept new stimulants, but it’s not limited to mind games.  A simple way to articulate the scope of guided imagery is to be coached through a series of mental exercises which include sensory elements designed to enhance the vividness of the experience. As part of a rehabilitation plan, guided imagery can help alleviate stress through breaking down mental blocks about exercises, coordination, and anxiety about performance or predicted pain.Read More +

Healthy Eating for Healthy Living in Barrington, IL

Eat Healthy – Think Out Of the Box

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Trying to improve diet and nutrition takes work and effort; preparing well balanced meals takes time and energy.  It is no wonder that many of us look to processed foods as a short cut.  Most foods are “processed” in some way, that is; they are made ready for consumption.  Even the freshest foods are processed; chopped, sliced, diced, so as to be made ready for eating.  Consumers need to be made aware of the best choices of processed foods so that they can make sound nutritional choices. Some processed foods, for example, can be good; frozen foods like chopped vegetables are a convenient source of nutrition.  Canned vegetables can be a good alternative but look for those marked low sodium.  Likewise canned beans, tomatoes andRead More +

Sleep Promotes Healing from Surgery

“Get Some Rest” and Other Helpful Post-Op Tips

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“Get Some Rest” I’m sure you’ve heard people say to the wounded, “just try to get some rest.”  How right they are.  Getting ample amounts of sleep improves the healing process as well as promotes emotional and mental alertness and wellness in several ways: Rest supports the immune system, strengthening the body’s natural defenses against infection and disease—a critical component of healing. Solid sleep promotes anabolic processes, or the renewal of tissue in the body, such as cell division and protein synthesis.  When recovering from surgery or healing from an injury, there is an increase in the level of anabolic activity required as the new tissue requirement exceeds the constant demand for normal cell replenishment. Maintaining a soothing and quiet environment can ease symptoms ofRead More +

Healthy Food for Surgery Recovery Barrington, IL

Healthy Foods That Help You Recover After Surgery

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While you may not always have the luxury of planning when to have surgery, how you recover is often times up to you.  From antibiotics to pain medication, to movement and therapy—each of these play into the speed of your post-operative recover, but it’s easy to overlook one’s diet during this process.  It’s tempting to want to spoil yourself because your under the weather, however the food you eat can be incredibly helpful for a speedy recovery. Digestible Fiber To Get Your GI Back On Track The side effects of anesthesia and numerous medications can linger with you for a time, one of the most common being constipation.  Consuming digestible fiber from natural sources such as fresh fruits and vegetables, and certain whole grains can helpRead More +

Post Operative Care and Therapy in Barrington, IL

5 Tips For A Healthy Recovery

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After surgery, patients receive a lengthy list of instructions along with a series of scheduled follow-up visits with the surgeon and probably some form of therapy.  While it can be overwhelming initially, this packet of information will prove valuable for safe and speedy recovery.  We’ve taken some of the more common elements you’ll find on a recovery packet and distilled it down to 5 key tips, or areas, to be aware of during recovery. Follow the Doctor’s Advice: Put That Down Patients are often eager to return to normal life after a hospital visit, however jumping back into a normal routine right away can quickly cause pain, inflammation, open up incisions, or even more damage.  Lifting heavy objects (or children) is a common way to re-injureRead More +

Rehabilitation after Surgery

The Importance of Therapy After Surgery

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After spending days, weeks, or more in the hospital, it’s pretty normal to be anxious to get back to your normal routine at home or work.  You vaguely recall the doctor mentioning the process of getting back to the routine, but you were fixated on the routine—not the journey.  The discharge nurse will likely hand you a stack of papers, among which are your prescribed therapies and nearby rehabilitation centers offering the prescribed services, but it may not be until you or your caregiver is sifting through the paperwork do you see this information.  Is it really that important to follow the doctor’s guidelines?  In a word: Yes. 1: Faster Recovery The simplest answer is that properly-guided therapies including physical therapy and occupational therapy, among others,Read More +